MK-ULTRA Never Ended – It Just Went Mainstream
MK-ULTRA used psychoactive drugs, electroshock, sensory deprivation, and other torture modalities to turn the unwitting test subject’s psyche into mush and reconstitute it into a malleable control panel. Rather than creating the perfect Manchurian Candidate, the CIA program only managed to produce psychologically wrecked headcases. MK-ULTRA officially lasted from 1953 to 1973. Instead of shelving this crime against humanity, the US Empire retooled it for mass consumption. MK-ULTRA never ended. It just went mainstream.
To gain full spectrum dominance over its test subjects, MK-ULTRA not only used trauma-level psychological manipulation tactics, but also administered physical agents directly into the body. The covid pandemic was the Deep State’s big-screen adaptation of this double play. I’d prefer to miss their Jaws II sequel, but theater attendance is mandatory.
In an article series that would have put him on the Pulitzer Prize shortlist in a non-Fake News world, technology entrepreneur, publisher, free speech activist, journalist, and writer Ron Unz laid out in brilliant depth how covid was a Deep State bioweapon attack against China. Like the international banking hydra, covid has many heads. This MK-ULTRA viral mutation also includes biometric IDs, NWO digital wallets, Stasi border control, depopulation, DNA hijacking, transhumanism, and wealth transfer.
The most powerful weapon in cognitive warfare is fear. Covid offered plenty of that. An invisible ubiquitous pathogen that fast-tracks you to the ICU or morgue rattles most people’s nerves. Constant corporate media fear-mongering and counting “slip and fall” deaths as covid to inflate the numbers added to the panic. I’m not saying covid isn’t a real bioweapon. I think it is. However, it’s also highly survivable- at least at this juncture. I prefer to handle covid with natural immunity versus the DARPA vax. If you believe that covid was a Deep State/Big Pharma/DARPA/neocon/Davos bioattack, then why trust the same entities offering up the cure? Problem-reaction-solution, to borrow from David Icke.
In a clinical trial, there is a control group (placebo) and a treatment group (those who get the actual drug or varied concentrations of it). In this case, it appears that the real-world mRNA vaccine rollout was the clinical trial, which means there were different batches. If true, that’s good news for some who received the jab. A percentage of vaccine recipients dropped on the spot, or suffered serious side effects or death days or months later. Other vax takers appear to be perfectly healthy. The control-treatment model hypothesis would explain the wide discrepancy in symptomatic response.
Those who refused to comply passed round one of “Squid Game.” Congratulations chum. But don’t pop the Dom Pérignon cork yet. Round two is going to be a real nitroglycerin firecracker. If you took the vax and suffered no ill effects, you picked the lucky numbers. That makes you eligible for round two. Don’t make the same mistake twice, as next time the control group could be much smaller. For those who took the vax and got injured, your best hope is that a maverick scientist is working on a cure in his secret underground lab. Don’t expect help from the mainstream medical industry. Your next best hope is sweet vengeance.
9/11 was another MK-ULTRA inspired stunt that used fear to gain mass compliance. By pumping up the nation’s cortisol levels, the neocons induced the test subject population to accept permanent war as the new normal and exchange their constitutional rights for security state protection. Like the guy on the hundred-dollar bill said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” If you believe Franklin’s quote, then America deserves what’s coming.
Voting in a rigged uniparty system is another MK-ULTRA psyop. The illusion of choice gives the test subject false hope and diverts energy away from meaningful action. Voters become windup toys who perennially repeat a ritual that brings no results. A variation of praying to false idols. I wasn’t going to discuss voting, as I devoted an entire article to it titled, “Breaking the Voting Psyop Addiction.” However, RockaBoatus wrote a piece titled, “To Vote or Not to Vote,” and mentioned my article. That got me thinking a bit more about the subject.
RockaBoatus’ basic stance was that while the current Red/Blue system is corrupt, participation in it holds strategic value. RockaBoatus strikes me as an honorable fellow with good intentions. I still maintain that voting for a Red or Blue pageant contestant is a waste of time and only empowers the system.
I will add a side note caveat to my original position. If a legit third party ever came along, I might consider backing it. After Ross Perot got close to the White House, the oligarchy filled the field with punji stick booby traps to ensure a third party never gained traction. In the current uniparty system, third parties can’t win. What an organized third party could potentially do is act as a megaphone to take the message to the masses and create chaos within the system. That might be good for a few laughs.
However, if the third party reached nuisance level, the feds would shut it down and ship everyone to the sandbox to play with the poor Jan. 6 suckers. To borrow from Johnny Cash, to stay alive, the third party would need to “walk the line” -and an anorexic one at that. If the organization held tight until the ATMs became unreliable and the system’s nuts and bolts started popping out, the party would be primed and ready to put in work. Apologies for the detour, back to MK-ULTRA.
In my original voting article, I gave general reasons for boycotting the electoral farce. I’m going to personalize my perspective to better align it with the MK-ULTRA theme of this piece. When Cortés landed in the New World (I don’t condone his treatment of indigenous peoples), he burned all his ships. The obvious message was, “victory or death.” If a group tries to genocide you, even if it’s occurring at an incremental pace, the fight or flight response enters your brain’s neuroplasticity network. Even if on a subconscious level, by choosing survival, the “victory or death” message gets implanted into your psyche. To utilize this survival mindset, you need to keep your head tight. The false hope that voting offers makes my head wobbly. In the Rothschild-Rockefeller Satanic Matrix, there is no hope- there is only “this.”
The divide & conquer “culture war” is another MK-ULTRA bat that escaped from the lab. People get super touchy when it comes to their personal culture war favorites. Nothing fills the sky with hate bombs faster. I support free speech, so lock and load. When it comes to “hate speech,” I gravitate toward the “sticks and stones” philosophy. Mean words don’t bother me too much. A tire iron is another story.
Transgender bathrooms, gay marriage, abortion, flag burning, the War on Christmas. Ka-boom. You might be twisting and turning over those issues, but Goldman Sachs and the MIC don’t give a rat’s gluteus maximus about them. They only care about vacuuming the last coins from underneath the US sofa cushion and putting the finishing touches on concentration camp America. When people tire of the “woke” scam, Raytheon can peel off the #BLM and rainbow flag stickers off their missiles and replace them with the Cross and American flag decals.
Do you think a drag queen performing cabaret in a gay dive bar used magic fairy dust to take over the public school system and implement “Drag Queen Storytime?” Do you believe the trans community, a historically vulnerable and marginalized group, has enough clout to force Raytheon to celebrate “Trans Day” or mass-brainwash “woke” parents into allowing chemical and surgical experimentation on their kids? This is all a Davos-Deep State operation. I don’t blame the organic gay & trans community for any of it.
Human sexuality is a complex subject. I’m too stupid to understand what it all means. I’ll let the biologists, psychologists, sexologists, porn stars, clergy, and songwriters hammer out the definitive instruction manual. However, I do possess enough neural function to realize that the Deep State shouldn’t be weaponizing sexuality. My simplistic take on the sex controversy morass is that when it comes to the personal lifestyle choices of consenting adults, I don’t play morality cop. It’s not in my code. Whether a consenting adult is gay, trans, or likes to dress in a Yogi Bear costume and swing from a trapeze- I don’t care. And I’m certainly not going to war over it.
Pierre-Joseph Proudon’s “freedom of association” handles culture war conflict. If a dude likes to walk around in a beehive hairdo and assless chaps, run the Village People program in Gayville. For those who don’t dig that scene nor want their kids around it, run the Norman Rockwell program in Straightville. The problem is everyone’s trying to run everyone else’s program instead of their own. In Muslim theological parlance- it’s your jihad, or struggle/exert. Sentience from point A to point B means choices. Consent or don’t.
“What about abortion?” someone asks. “A fetus can’t consent to getting sucked out of its cozy uterine domicile.” Valid point. I believe that industrialized mass abortion karmically crashes a civilization. However, I also think that if a woman gets gang raped by feeb head asylum escapees, abortion becomes a benevolent act. Whichever way you view it, don’t fret too much. Between the mRNA vaccines, 5G, electro-magnetic fields, GMO foods, environmental toxins, and Fukushima radiation release, by 2030 most people in the West will likely be sterile. Problem solved.
How about those kids who got MK-ULTRA convinced they’re the wrong gender and asked Santa for a sex change operation? Anyone with a molecule of humanity knows that a minor can’t consent to a life-changing procedure of that magnitude. From my perspective, the whole child transgender push constitutes Yuval Noah Harhari inspired predictive programming designed to gain public acceptance for body-invasive nanotechnology, DNA hijacking, brain chipping, and other transhumanist modalities. Globalists who push their sexual agenda on children deserve the same treatment as the playground pedo. However, in actual numbers, how many kids in America have undergone sex reassignment surgery? 5? 500? 5000? 50,000? I don’t know.
The globalists want to get the world population into the 500 million to 1 billion range. With AI and robotics, at some point, they won’t need human labor or billions of useless oxygen suckers hanging around. I’m not a Bill Gates or an Oprah. Nor am I a Big Tech CEO, Chelsea Clinton, or EU technocrat. By Davos standards, I don’t qualify for a place “under the dome.” Most likely, neither do you. I look at it through a M*A*S*H unit triage lens. Save who can be saved first. Many won’t pass through the Great Reset filter. You need to process that data if you plan on remaining mentally and physically viable.
Some might think my point is that culture doesn’t matter. Wrong. It’s the myths, narratives, and customs of a people that protect them from spiritual and physical decimation. An integral part of the Native American genocide involved stripping them of their language and religion. Why do you think Netflix Viking and Elizabethan princess lead roles are now played by People of Color? They’ve been running the MK-ULTRA program on Black people for a while. Remember the Tuskegee Experiment? Now everyone gets to play guinea pig for Rockefeller Foundation scientists. Like the Niemöller poem said, “First they came for the socialists…” You know the rest.
If Davos dystopia comes to full fruition and you find yourself scavenging for food in the city dump while killer drones circle overhead- gay marriage, trans bathrooms, and the War on Christmas will be the least of your concerns. Obsessing over hot-button social issues is a luxury for people with stocked refrigerators and working power grids. Enjoy ZioCorp’s manufactured outrage while you can. Before the war, neocon propaganda got the Ukrainians all jazzed up. Look how well that turned out.
I could write a tome on the 24/7 MK-ULTRA assault on minds and bodies. Cognitive-level examples include Fake News, Hasbara troll comment section disruption, public school reprogramming, CIA-scripted Hollywood superhero movies, and Google algorithm censorship. This is first and foremost a war on the human mind.
Stress suicide by Fox Business News “pick yourself up by your bootstraps you lazy goldbricking bastard” controlled scarcity capitalism moves things into the physical realm. The Sackler opioid crisis Rust Belt soft genocide added a complimentary adjunct. From there it continues with over-prescribed mental meds, bioweapon attacks, mRNA vaccines, chemtrails, global supply chain disruptions, and Monsanto GMO food tampering. In the not-too-distant future, “consumers” will stand in line for hours to become the first Apple Store brain chip recipients.
The goal of MK-ULTRA was to replace the test subject’s reality with one crafted by the clinician. They want to break you down to where you’ll smilingly walk into the death chamber and press your delete button as Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” plays in the background. A crazy fantasy? Check out the eight months pregnant Blue and Yellow flag emoji virtue signaler posing for her 57th booster social media selfie.
We’re living in a toxic beta-wave lucid dream. Hindu spiritual texts refer to this dream as “the world of illusion” or Maya. To borrow a documentary film title- Exit through the gift shop. Or collapse the dream. Or nightmare, depending on your perspective.
The Chinese curse goes, “May you live in interesting times.” I’m stupid. The more “interesting” the times become, the stupider I get. That’s why I follow the Tao. Tao is simple because it’s too complex to understand. Use whatever flying car best navigates you through the illusion. To take artistic license with Guns N’ Roses’ “Welcome to the Jungle”- You know where you are? You’re in the Rothschild-Rockefeller Satanic Matrix, baby.
For a more in-depth look at the original MK-ULTRA and related CIA programs, I recommend Chris Hedges’ article, “Our Invisible Government.” Hedges’ books contributed to my political awakening. I spoke to him for a few minutes after one of his lectures. I like Chris.
In an MK-ULTRA society, the test subject population inevitably suffers spiritual, mental, or physical destruction. Under my code, trying to “destroy” me is the same as trying to kill me. Whether I’m dealing with a loose tiger that pulled off a zoo jailbreak or a code yellow Deep State bioweapon attack- I run the “life and death” program. What’s the “life and death” program? Whether you knew it or not, you’ve probably run it at one time or another.
It’s 2am and you’re riding mass transit through the dodgy part of town. It’s just you in the car. At the next stop, a predator enters. Not the chomo or rapey kind, but one who follows the Darwin code. He sits across from you. His carnivore eyeballs connect hard. The doors close.
He’s built solid. Not the type of physique that comes from hitting the gym, but from endless reps of pushups and crunches in a prison cell. The gears in his head reverberate loud enough to transcribe his thoughts: “Him, or hold off and wait for a soft juicy gazelle?”
The predator has keen senses. He’s tuned into your eye movement, body language, breathing, and on a subconscious level, your body’s electrical field. No CCW permits issued in this territory chum. If it goes down, this dance is going to be hard and fast and up close and personal. The wrong move, even the wrong emotion, could result in program termination.
That’s the sped-up version. With the globalists, it’s slower and more incremental. That doesn’t make it less deadly. Run your program. Follow your code. Everyone gets an entry ticket to the MK-ULTRA funhouse. Not everyone exits.