News Articles | September 26, 2022
Chris Hedges: Strike, Strike, Strike
The mounting social inequality is fueling protests around the globe. The global ruling class is determined to prevent these protests from employing the weapon that can bring them down — strikes. LISTEN
The Best Journalists Are Persecuted And Despised: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
The Narrative Matrix Hides The Truth About The World, And About Ourselves
Where Is the Mass Mobilized Movement for Medicare for All?
Silencing The Lambs. How Propaganda Works.
How the U.S. Supreme Court Unleashed a Corporate Criminal Takeover of This Country
The Fed Is Aiding the Democrat’s Coup
Who Will Liberate Our Tweens From These Corporate Tentacles?
What Can We Expect From Biden’s Speech on the Rise of Fascism Among Republicans?
What Policing Looks Like from the Inside
Zero Republicans Vote for Bill That Would Expose Billionaire Dark Money Donors
Koch Network Showers Fascist Election Deniers With Campaign Cash Ahead of Midterms
Patriotic Millionaires: Senate Republicans Go to Bat for Their Dark Money Donors
44 House Democrats Push Biden DOJ to Investigate DeSantis Over 'Cruel Migrant Flights'
House Democrats Call on DOJ to Investigate DeSantis for “Cruel Migrant Flights”
Two Powerful Unions Have Come Together to Fight the Right’s Attack on Higher Ed
New York Prisons Are Blatantly Violating State Law Limiting Solitary Confinement
Federal Judge Allows 'Untenable' Plan to Send Juvenile Inmates to Angola Prison
A Rapid Green Energy Transition to Save $12 Trillion and Avoid Catastrophic Tipping Points
Warnings Mount Over Right-Wing Plot to Rewrite US Constitution
Watchdog Says Use 14th Amendment Against Lawmakers Who Betrayed Oaths on January 6
'Quiet Part Out Loud': GOP Warns Biden Student Debt Cancellation Will Hurt Military Recruitment
Pandemic, Profit-Driven Healthcare System Blamed for Historic Decline in US Life Expectancy
Fed in 'Full Recession-Creating Mode' Comes Under Fire for Another Interest Rate Hike
'Great News': After Strike, Seattle Teachers Approve Three-Year Contract
After 64-Day Strike, Boston Starbucks Workers Declare Victory
House GOP Agenda Signals Push for Social Security and Medicare Cuts
Russia and NATO Tried to Wage War on the Cheap in Ukraine, But Could Now be Heading for Total War
We Might Be Spared Nuclear War for Now But the Threat of Home Grown Tyranny Remains
Class Warfare Grinds On
Clockwork Orange: The Intimately Related Impunities of Fascist Floridians Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis
Will the United Nations Finally Deliver Justice for Palestine?
The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales
The Colorado River’s Endangered Watershed
Why Art Museums are Changing
The military to American youth: You belong to me
Hitler Rising
US “Nuclear Primacy” and “Blitzkrieg Nuclear War”: Russia Responds to America’s Plan to Win World War III
What the Vietnam War Can Tell Us About Ukraine
Ukrainian “Hit List” Publishes Names and Addresses of Alleged “Russian Propagandists:” Turns Out to be Based Not in Ukraine But in Langley VA Where CIA Headquarters Is Located
According to Joe Biden: “The Pandemic is Over”, 57,676 New Cases in the U.S. in the Last 24 Hours
US Senate’s CIA Torture Report to Remain Secret for ‘National Security’
The U.S. Government’s Vast New Privatized Censorship Regime
Masters of Deceit: The U.S Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control and Brain Warfare
Pesticides Plague Californians Farm Workers, New Study Shows
Biden Signs Executive Order Designed to Unleash “Transhumanist Hell” on America and the World
Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System
Ukraine, It Was All Written in the Rand Corp Plan. “the U.S. Plan against Russia was Formulated 3 Years Ago”
The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?
Giant Mobile Billboard Campaign for Julian Assange Goes Viral and Will Keep on Truckin’ Round the Nation’s Capital
How the Arms Industry Scams the Taxpayer
John Pilger’s 2014 Warning About Ukraine
Exposed: Covert Pro-Western Info Op
Masters of Deceit: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare
Decolonizing the Mind
Caitlin Johnstone: America’s Perverse Poverty Draft
Biden Again Vows War With China Over Taiwan
“Green” Energy is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.
Government Pushs A “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets At Will & Enslave Humanity
Biden Administration Announces Framework for Digital Dollar
Broadcast Special Reveals More about “Havana Syndrome” and ”how microwave energy interacts with the brain”
Cops Locked a Woman in a Patrol Car Parked on Train Tracks, Left Her There Until a Train Plowed Into Her
The Great Authoritarian Arms Race
Emergency Powers are Forever
State Department Stops Publishing Military Expenditures, Arms Transfer Report
Economic Collapse Has Arrived In Germany. Will The U.S. Be Close Behind?
Veterans Committing Suicide At 37% Higher Rate Than VA Claims: Report
Children’s Health Defense Launches Education and Awareness Campaign on Harmful Radiation from Cell Towers, etc.
Peering Into the Crystal Ball, We See … Instability Leading to Collapse
Why Are Walmart And Other Major U.S. Retailers Canceling BILLIONS Of Dollars In Orders As Summer Comes To An End?
The End of Cheap Food
Germany’s Energy Suicide: An Autopsy
Europe’s Energy Armageddon From Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow
WHY Is Germany Committing Suicide?
The Situation in the Ukraine Is an Historical Event of Immense Magnitude
Predictions for the Coming Winter
Europe officially records a shocking 239% increase in Excess Deaths among Teens & Young Adults since EMA first approved Covid-19 Vaccine
Europe has officially recorded more Excess Deaths in 2022 than in 2020 & 2021 at the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic & it’s Children & Young Adults who are dying
They Know that They are Killing the Economy, but They are Doing it Anyway…
Biden Extends George Bush’s 9/11 ‘National Emergency’ After Creation of DOJ Task Force to Combat Domestic Terrorism
The White House Has Just Called for The Creation of a “Digital Dollar
The Front Lines of the End of the World — and the Fight to Save the Amazon”
Global ‘Stilling’: Is Climate Change Slowing Down the Wind?
Could the Drying Up of Europe’s Great Rivers Be the New Normal?
Arctic sea ice summer minimum in 2022 is ‘joint-10th lowest’ on record
The Carbon Brief Profile: Russia
How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2022
In an ideal world Chris Hedges not Anthony Blinken would be US Secretary of State. Veteran former NYT Foreign Editor Hedges lifts the lid on current events in the #UkraineRussiaWar and discusses his fascinating new book The Greatest Evil is War.
Do you doubt anymore that the USA, indeed most of Western Civ, is in the grip of demonic possession? You can’t quite medicalize the problem by calling it a group psychosis because the people demolishing social boundaries know exactly what they’re doing and are shoving it in your face maliciously for the purpose of goading you into humiliation and punishment — which is predicably what will happen if you object to being mind-fucked.
Case in point: a shop teacher styling himself as “Kayla” Lemieux, comes to work wearing a grotesquely outsized fake boob costume. You are meant to say that this is okay because, hey, it is just a form of “gender expression” — so said the Halton District school board in Ontario, Canada. Of course, you know it’s not okay. The School Board only pretends that it’s okay, because this nonsense is supported by the Canadian federal government under the Woke-Marxist Justin Trudeau, which holds the levers of law and can crush you, subject you to its courts, bankrupt you, ruin you, if you don’t play along.
Who knew that the glorious George Jetson future would tip into a neo-medieval religious frenzy and, more to the point, one deriving its dark energy from the demonic and Satanic? You are asked to swallow ever-greater absurdities, destroying your self-respect because you know that you are a coward for not standing up to this host of degenerates.
The USA’s Democratic Party of Chaos is behind all of this lunacy. It has gotten so bad that many no longer even follow the news of serial outrages by the regime led (nominally) by the empty vessel called “Joe Biden.” Millions of border-jumpers have crossed into Texas and Arizona the past two years. The New York Times / CNN axis of news doesn’t cover it because they want it to continue. Apart from the economic refugees coming across there are substantial numbers of demonically murderous people, many of them not Mexican, but from all quarters of the world, including places with a grudge against our country. Not a few of them are identified as international terrorists. Yet, in they come. The welcome mat is out for them — while our joke of a president rails against “white supremacist domestic terrorists” (another lie you’re supposed to swallow).
The open border issue only came back to the country’s attention when Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida gifted Martha’s Vineyard with a plane-load of fifty illegal immigrants. Martha’s Vineyard did not accept them graciously. The Island’s leaders arranged post-haste for Massachusetts’s governor, Charlie Baker, to call in the state’s national guard and hustle the unwelcome newcomers to a military base on Cape Cod. Nobody with half-a-brain left failed to notice what this said about the wealthy intellectuals who populate Martha’s Vineyard (including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton): You can change the demographics in Jefferson County, Arkansas, all day long, but don’t you dare change the social arrangements on our precious, special Island… not one itty-bitty bit. So much for all their lip-service to diversity and inclusion. They follow the maxim of the late Hollywood producer Samuel Goldwyn, famous for saying “Include me out!”
What is the answer when faced with a large-scale religious disturbance in society, especially one displaying all the earmarks of overt, archetypal evil? You call in an exorcist. That has been Donald Trump’s true role in this millenarian mega-crisis. He is seeking to cast out evil spirits afflicting this sore-beset national community and the evil spirits are frantic to stop his ministrations by any means.
He is, of course, a most untoward avatar in this war of good against evil. He came out of the infernal circle of New York real estate development. The assumption all along is that he must be tainted by dirty dealing with the mobs who ran the construction unions, but after six years of relentless investigation by the Southern District of New York and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, the legions of hell came up with… nothing. How was this possible? Well, they tried their darndest, and now they’re trying again with some double-jeopardy maneuvers. The law, to these degenerates, is just an instrument of their own will-to-power.
Chugging toward the 2022 mid-term elections, Mr. Trump is out there giving moral support and focus to so-called “domestic terrorists” seeking to crush the Woke demonic religious persecution. He leads the substantial demographic of Americans who are determined to not play along with Woke absurdities, and they love him for it. Mr. Trump may or may not be the Republican nominee in 2024, but he is helping the country with a literal House-cleaning in advance of that, and it will open the door to a deluge of corrective truth-telling about what has gone on the past several years, in everything from the Covid 19 scam to the Green New Deal aimed at wrecking what’s left of Western Civ’s economies.
Americans, except for the very old, are not disposed to attending church, meaning they are not reminded at regular intervals, and formal rituals, that good and evil exists in all of us, and that we have a duty to our sacred consciousness to tend to the right side, to “the better angels of our nature,” Lincoln put it. Ultimately, the Left will choke to death on its many crimes and we can return to being a people who confidently know the difference between right and wrong.
James Howard Kunstler | Clusterfuck Nation
Historians of the future, grilling spatchcocked plovers over their campfires, will need not ponder for even a New York minute who started World War Three in the rockin’ 2020s. They will point straight to the waxy, furtive, larval figure known as “Joe Biden,” by then judged a moral weevil of such epic low degree that he became an embarrassment to all the other sewer-dwelling denizens of the dank DC underworld, including the roaches, the rats, the humble shipworms eating through sunk oaken foundations of buildings long forgotten, the writhing maggots rinsed from a thousand restaurant dumpsters, the slithering hellgrammites, millipedes, silverfish, pillbugs, termites, dung-beetles, woodlice, and, not least, the scaly lawyers spawned out of the infestation beneath K Street called Perkins Coie LLP. Even these would loathe and disdain the thing that came into this world as “Joe Biden.”
Let us agree that the place called Ukraine was never any of America’s business. For centuries we ignored it, through all the colorful cavalry charges to-and-fro of Turks and Tatars, the reign of the dashing Zaporozhian Cossacks, the cruel abuses of Stalin, then Hitler, and the dull, gray Khrushchev-to-Yeltsin years. But then, having destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia and sundry other places all on a great hegemonic lark, the professional warmongers of our land and their catamites in Washington made Ukraine their next special project. They engineered the 2014 coup in Kiev that ousted the elected president, Mr. Yanyukovich, to set up a giant grifting parlor and international money-laundromat. The other strategic aim was to prepare Ukraine for NATO membership, which would have made it, in effect, a forward missile base right up against Russia’s border. Because, well, Russia, Russia, Russia!
An early beneficiary of these arrangements, you might recall, was one Hunter Biden, the drug-addicted, sex-obsessed, no-account son of Barack Obama’s no-account vice-president then known simply as Joe Biden sans quote-marks — because in 2014, he was a closer approximation of a real person than is sadly now the case. In fact, he was known as “The Big Guy” among Hunter’s business coterie (though listed as “Pedo Peter” on Hunter’s speed-dial). After the 2014 coup, and for years beyond, Hunter pulled a steady revenue stream out of Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings, a natgas distributor (among other things), serving as a know-nothing, no-show board member. When this monkey business came to the attention of President Trump, and he made a telephone inquiry about it, he was instantly beset by swarms of DC swamp vermin hoisting writs of impeachment.
Fast forward through the past eight years and you have Kiev’s persecution of the Russian-speaking Donbas provinces, the constant shelling and harassment by Banderite Nazis. Between that and the ever more strident urgings for Ukraine to join NATO, President Putin of Russia, Russia, Russia apparently had enough. In February of this year, he started the Special Military Operation to put an end to these hostilities. By April, when whole battalions of Ukrainian Nazis had been exterminated, a call to peace talks was issued by Mr. Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister. This was shot-down without ceremony by “Joe Biden” (that is, by the junta behind him). The genius strategists in Foggy Bottom aimed to “weaken” Russia. To what end? (you might ask). Okay: Reasons….
Hence, many hard-fought battles on-the-ground later, Ukraine has lost roughly 70,000 troops killed to Russia’s roughly 6,000 KIA. The USA pours $10-billion-a-month into this venture, including missiles aplenty and other ordnance, in a stupid effort to prolong the conflict and bankrupt our own land. Thus, Mr. Putin has decided to stop pussyfooting around Ukraine, and declared an upgrade in Russia’s effort to put a conclusive end to these shenanigans. He set this forth clearly in a sober speech Wednesday, which included a reminder to the geniuses in the White House basement game room that Russia is a nuclear power.
“Joe Biden” (looking like the ghost of Konstantin Chernenko) answered in a speech to the UN General Assembly the next day, a maundering recitation of sanctimonious bluster, larded with climate hysteria to alarm and bamboozle the UN’s scores of Third World delegates, with not a word about any possible peace talks — because peaceful resolution of the conflict is the last thing that our government wants. It wants war, meaning we citizens of this land will get it, good and hard, if the puppeteers working “Joe Biden’s” mouth get their way. Prepare to live in an ashtray.
From our side, it may just add up — as I said — to plain bluster. The “Joe Biden” regime has already done enough to hurtle the USA and the rest of Western Civ into a new dark age. The nations of the EU have no idea how they will conduct economic activity without the cheap Russian natgas they used to depend on. They are about to get a harsh lesson on the realistic limits of “green energy” they’ve been prattling about for years. So far, it doesn’t look good for them. A few more months of this and the populace from Riga to Lisbon will be stringing up whole parliaments from the boulevard light standards.
Even if “Joe Biden” doesn’t go for the ashtray option, consider the $350-trillion in leveraged financial derivatives orbiting high above the scene like a numberless fleet of death stars primed to blow at the next interest rate uptick. The Euroland stock markets are already tanking hard as I write at 8:30 EDT today. US futures indicate a week-ending bloodbath on Wall Street. This is nature’s way of registering its no-confidence vote in “Joe Biden’s” management of our affairs. All this is on top of the sucking chest wound that Washington DC has become — the necrotic corruption of every agency, the gathering “vaccine” holocaust, the indecent firehose of lies from high places, the Gestapo sleaze of the DOJ/FBI nexus, and the astounding new twists in officially-promoted sexual degeneracy revealed in our schools and hospitals.
Not to put too fine a point on it: the shit has already hit the fan. We are where we were going. If you truly believe those 2020 national election results, then this is what you voted for, America. Feeling any buyer’s remorse yet? Got the feeling that something must be done? Okay then, what?
James Howard Kunstler | Clusterfuck Nation