The Truth Now Hides | Robert Heston

The U.S., The World

The little South Vietnamese girl had torn off her clothes because they were on fire from a napalm attack carried out by the US military. That is her brother running ahead. Countless children were incinerated or blown to bits by US bombs in that war. Photos like this made the news. Such things inflamed the emotions of the American people. Massive war protests ensued around the country. Of course, the death of our soldiers were at the forefront of reasons behind those protests. With that war, the US government learned to keep such things out of the news and they have.


In the last 16 years or so we have killed many times the number of children that died in the Vietnam war. Along with them, their mothers and countless innocent fathers. The complacent and docile American public appears to care nothing about it. For the most part, they know nothing of it. Your insidious, corrupt government hides truth of what it does from you. The mass media you depend on is practically worthless in providing the news. It is nothing but a propaganda machine.


The horrors that have been perpetrated in your name go beyond your imagination and none of it for the reasons you have been told. First the United States caused the death of 576,000 children in Iraq, then there if you look at the evidence, it really looks like the US government killed the 3000 people in New York as a plan (scroll down to “The Infamous 9/11 Event” 7 videos), then they proceeded to kill 1,000,000 people in Iraq presumably because of New York and the imaginary WMD’s and they have since gone on to slaughter another million people while losing wars and decimating countries in six more “wars.”


While doing these things they have been busy destroying our democracy and our economy yet the American public remains complacent. Our biggest two political candidates will continue us on this path. Of course they would have you think different of them.


Could you stomach the pictures of the tens of thousands of innocent children after they have been incinerated or blown apart by our bombs? And what about that of their parents? Collateral damage in defense of our nation, you say? Bullshit. Collateral damage numbering in the millions? Yeah, right.


The thing is, since Vietnam the corporate and government controlled media censor the news. Independent journalism that reports the facts, the truth, and includes photos like the ones in this article is all but gone. The reporters and journalists are there to serve government and corporate interests. A great deal of what the public should know is left out or otherwise twisted into lies. The more “transparent” government that Obama promised hides more than ever. The syndicated press has become “presstitutes” …in the words of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. The mass media is a propaganda machine designed to keep the American public complacent. It is part of a trend with the largest corporations and the wealthy increasingly controlling our government and those of every country in NATO. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is real.


We (you) are on the verge of completely losing this country to a power that has and is orchestrating an illusion that an ignorant American public is falling for. We have been robbed of our wealth and true power… economically and through corrupted law perverting the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It continues incrementally and mostly out of the awareness of a public that has been suckered by the biggest con game in history.


Will you continue to do nothing, remain complacent, and let yourself be conned by the criminals that have gotten control of this country? Will you vote for one of the two puppets that would be your President? There are 2 alternatives to that, Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. You haven’t heard much about them in the bullshit machine. The Independent and Green Party. Neither one will get elected. Just guessing, I would say that if Johnson got it, he might be worse than Trump. Upon further investigation, Gary Johnson would make a pathetic president… kind of like a super greedy Republican on steroids, but the real power would have him functioning in no time. Stein has the right idea, but I have no idea of what she would try to do with some of the important issues, so I would predict a lot of veto’s in a fight to keep congress from doing more damage. She is a progressive so I’m sure some good would come out of it. Bernie’s use of the term socialism killed whatever the DNC didn’t, and I don’t recall him covering some of the important issues. That’s Democratic Socialism. Many people think it is a form of government that will kill capitalism, give much of the wealth to people that do not work… by choice, ruin commercial competition and the progress of technology and be like the poor, gray, “communist” nightmare of their imagination. However, he is visually more popular than Clinton.


That child was fortunate to be alive. Her parents were killed. I recall seeing it in print in 1972. It shocked many Americans. A few hundred of them are in the slideshow below. I believe that particular bombing in Vietnam was a mistake. I do not seek to pass judgment on our troops at all. Certainly not! They follow orders. The politicians and the generals are a different story entirely. I know you would not want to see my collection of photos of dead children killed by the US military and Israel in the Middle East. I have many. I came across this article recently and it compelled me to write this article.. Facebook Under Fire for Censoring One of the Most Iconic War Photos

The cover photo is as it appeared in the news: I’ve never escaped from that moment: Girl in napalm photograph that defined the Vietnam War 40 years on
I've never escaped from that moment: Girl in napalm photograph that defined the Vietnam War 40 years on
Photo Credited: Stephen Daniels/Alpha Press 072944 21/03/10 Kim Phuc giving a lecture at Oundle Festival of Literature. Kim was photographed by Nick Ut Associated Press in the famous picture in Vietnam naked as 7 year old girl running towards the camera. Photo taken in Oundle, Nr Peterborough, Cambs

…Rob – Saturday, 09/10/2016

Have a look at a tiny fraction of what the United States and Israel has done in recent years. There were so many resulting from what Israel has done I was compelled to add them in. They are a murderous lot, not so far from their Nazi oppressors from the past. The Nazi’s were just more intelligent and creative. I doubt you will get very far if you try. Many of these photos are Israel killing Palestinians. They bomb their cities and target schools and hospitals. They sometimes use Palestinian children for target practice. Some of the photos do not directly depict dead children. Multiply these hundreds of photos by tens of thousands then you can add those 576,000 children to it and you will have some idea of the carnage we have perpetrated. We killed about one million people during the first part of the Iraq war and have gone on to kill about another million more. You can add to that tens of millions of refugees from Middle Eastern countries we have attacked and destroyed. Some are a direct result of our actions and some are because of our enemies. Enemies we have essentially created. Right now there are about 40 million refugees world wide for many different reasons. Since WWII we, the US, have killed about 20 million people in our various wars. We have won none of those wars… or whatever you want to call them. Police actions carried out by the global police?

One day, roughly 15 years ago, you are busy going about your normal life, then suddenly, out of nowhere large explosions begin all around you and in the distance. America has chosen to destroy your country to further its political and economic agenda. Your friends and neighbors lay in pieces and none of them were any kind of threat to the monstrous beast that has done this…







Would you not fight with every ounce of your being against the evil beast that has done this to your people?!


OCTOBER 22, 2021
The Four Layers of Reality — and Why We’re Only Allowed to Talk About One


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